(May 17, 2017) – Sunday May 21, 2017 marks the beginning of National EMS Week and presents an opportunity to honor the men and women who deliver pre-hospital 9-1-1 emergency medical care throughout the United States.Ā This vital public safety service is provided primarily by cross-trained, multi-role emergency responders who are based in our nation’s fire departments.
The fire service has a rich history of protecting the health and safety of our communities through an emergency response model that includes the delivery of pre-hospital 9-1-1 emergency medical care.Ā Fire Service-Based EMS providers are trained, equipped and positioned to provide their communities with timely emergency medical care, and more recently, Integrated Community Health Care (ICHC) services as well. Firefighter/EMTs and paramedics respond quickly, professionally, skillfully, and compassionately in communities across the United States every day…24/7.
The Fire Service-Based EMS Advocates Coalition recognizes the life-saving contributions, achievements, dedication and commitment of those who serve in Fire Service-Based EMS systems.Ā National EMS Week is a time to pause and say “thank you” to the entire EMS Community, especially firefighter/EMTs and paramedics …our nation’s ‘all hazards’ response personnel.
Established in 2006, the Fire Service-Based EMS Advocates Coalition, based in Washington, DC, provides members of Congress and other government officials with information they need to effectively support Fire Service-Based EMS systems throughout the nation. For more information about the Fire Service-Based EMS Advocates and how to join the coalition, visit www.fireserviceems.com.