The Senator Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award is co-sponsored by the Congressional Fire Services Institute (CFSI) and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF), with corporate support from VFIS.
Each year, the Sarbanes Award recognizes an organization that embraces the critical goal shared by CFSI and NFFF: to ensure we do everything humanly possible to create an environment where EVERYONE GOES HOME at the end of every call. The actions and achievements of the recipient address at least one of the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives developed by the American fire service during the 2004, and subsequent, National Fire Service Life Safety Summits hosted by NFFF.
Senator Sarbanes retired in 2006 following a 36-year distinguished career on Capitol Hill. For 12 years, he served as a co-chair of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus, providing leadership and support on a broad range of public safety issues. Even before assuming a leadership role in the Fire Caucus, Senator Sarbanes was actively involved in fire service issues. In 1992, he introduced the legislation that created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. For the next 14 years, the Senator was the Foundation’s staunchest supporter in Congress, ensuring that the Foundation and those it served had a voice on Capitol Hill.
For his contributions to public safety, the Congressional Fire Services Institute presented Senator Sarbanes with its 1997 Legislator of the Year Award, the highest legislative award presented on behalf of our nation’s one million firefighters.
Both CFSI and NFFF extend their thanks and appreciation to VFIS for serving as a corporate co-sponsor of the award program.
Award Sponsored By:

With Corporate Support From:

Purpose of the Award
The Senator Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award aims to honor organizations that have made significant contributions to firefighter health and safety. The award celebrates those who have demonstrated exceptional leadership, innovation, and dedication in promoting a safer environment for firefighters, reflecting the legacy of Senator Paul S. Sarbanes.
Award Goals
The award seeks to:
- Promote the importance of firefighter health and safety.
- Recognize outstanding achievements in promoting firefighter safety at the local, state, or national level.
- Encourage the development of effective safety programs addressing the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives.
- Highlight the role of organizational leadership and collaboration in advancing firefighter safety.
Award Presentation
The recipient of the Senator Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award will be honored at the Annual National Fire and Emergency Services Dinner held in Washington, DC. CFSI will cover the travel costs for one representative of the organization to attend the dinner, including airfare and hotel accommodations for two nights.
Award Eligibility
- The nominee must be a fire department or fire service-related government agency, trade association, labor organization, non-profit organization, foundation, or other deserving organization or company.
- The actions or achievements for which the organization is being considered must have made a positive impact in promoting firefighter health and safety at the local, state, or national level. These actions and achievements should address at least one of the 16 Life Safety Initiatives.
- An organization can nominate itself for this award.
Nomination Process
- Nominations must be submitted by an organization or individual familiar with the nominee’s contributions to firefighter health and safety.
- The nomination must address the following criteria:
- Significant contributions to firefighter health and safety.
- Substantiation of a positive impact at the local, state, or national level.
- Unique outcomes/accomplishments of the organization’s work.
- Documentation of leadership, collaboration, and influence on the work of other fire and life safety organizations.
- The Selection Committee is composed of board members from the Congressional Fire Services Institute and the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. The award selection will be the sole decision of the selection committee.
Deadline for Submitting Nominations:
November 8, 2024
Senator Paul S. Sarbanes Fire Service Safety Leadership Award
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Previous Recipients
- 2024
Skidmore College First Responder Health and Safety Laboratory
- 2023
Greater Tucson Fire Foundation
- 2022
National Volunteer Fire Council
- 2022
Volunteer and Combination Officers Section/IAFC
- 2021
Los Angeles Fire Department
- 2020
Clayton (DE) Fire Company
- 2020
Prince George’s County (MD) Fire/EMS Department
- 2019
Denver Fire Department
- 2019
Florida Firefighters Safety and Health Collaborative
- 2018
International Society of Fire Service Instructors
- 2018
UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute
- 2017
International Fire Service Training Association
- 2016
Fire Department Safety Officers Association
- 2015
International Association of Fire Fighters
- 2014
Office of the Pennsylvania State Fire Commissioner
- 2014
Oklahoma Council on Firefighter Training & INTEGRIS Heart Hospital
- 2013
The Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council
- 2013
Office of the Oregon Fire Marshal
- 2013
Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue
- 2012
Oregon Department of Public Safety Standards and Training
- 2011
Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition
- 2010
National Volunteer Fire Council
- 2010
Virginia Fire Chiefs Association
- 2010