Meeting Minutes
NIOSH Firefighter Center
Resolution to Support Lithium-Ion Battery Standards in Micromobility Devices
Resolution on the Transition to NG 9-1-1
To Serve and Support
Click here to read Bill Webb’s article. From Shane Ray: Dear NFSA Members, Let me introduce you to Bill Webb, the Executive Director of the Congressional Fire Services Institute. I […]
The Solution Was Right Before Our Eyes: The Birth of The Nation’s First County-wide Residential Sprinkler Ordinance
Residential fire deaths were continuing to climb in our county and the department was anxious to find a comprehensive way to save more lives. The solution was there all along, but we needed the help of a study group, our pub ed section, and our elected officials to navigate the minefields that led to the adoption of CB-145-1987, Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems.